Frequently Asked Questions
What should I use for a RacH2O source?
We suggest using Earth Blinds Ponds which can be dug into the ground. You may also buy plastic ponds as well that you may dig into the ground, however if you do use these, make sure you have a stick in the pond to provide an escape route for any animals that fall into the pond to avoid spoiling the water. You may also buy 50-60 gallon hard plastic barrels and cut them in half.
How often should I refill the water?
We recommend you refill your RacH2O source once the water is completely gone and then add more RacH2O. If you are using hard plastic barrels as your water tanks, the big bucks will let you know when to refill them, as they may tip them over when empty!
Why does RacH2O not contain salt?
RacH2O does not contain salt for a couple of reasons. Other deer mineral supplements contain a very high concentration of salt in order to attract deer to ingest their product. Increased salt intake directly leads to calcium wasting in the urine, dehydration and many other problems. RacH2O contains potassium which helps balance the high salt intake of other deer minerals and assists with calcium reabsorption. Deer obtain an adequate amount of sodium (salt) through their diet.
What time of year can RacH2O be used?
Whenever deer are drinking at the water holes, RacH2O should be used. This may be at any time of the year depending on your region. In the upper Midwest maximum water consumption is from September through November and especially during the rut. This helps resolve any calcium deficiency after antler development and also assists in keeping body weight and energy at peak levels during the rut.
How long does the RacH2O last?
We suggest adding RacH2O to your water holes when you know deer are drinking from them. Deer will not be as active at RacH2O water holes during lush season. Over time, RacH2O will start to settle and rise to the top of the water. This has been accounted for already in the directions, so there is no need to add more RacH2O to compensate. After a week of RacH2O added to a water tank, the amount settled to the bottom was less than 5% of the initial added RacH2O. In other words, 95% of the RacH2O stayed suspended in the water after 1 week of sitting.
Is RacH2O safe for other wildlife?
RacH2O is safe for all wildlife.
Can this be used in any state?
We recommend checking with your state and local laws before using this product. RacH2O does NOT contain an attractant and is NOT considered bait!
How is RacH2O associated with Skyline Premium Hunting Blinds and what separates them from the competition?
Skyline Premium Hunting Blinds is also a family developed product. The blinds are customizable and are encapsulated with insulation for a scent free hunt. They offer 26 square feet of space and 7 feet of clearance. They come equipped with a 32 inch full size steel insulated door, 4 dual sliding insulated windows (that can be positioned where the hunter needs them to be), and comes with a unique paint design to blend into your stand location. I encourage you to check out for further details or click on the logo below!
We suggest using Earth Blinds Ponds which can be dug into the ground. You may also buy plastic ponds as well that you may dig into the ground, however if you do use these, make sure you have a stick in the pond to provide an escape route for any animals that fall into the pond to avoid spoiling the water. You may also buy 50-60 gallon hard plastic barrels and cut them in half.
How often should I refill the water?
We recommend you refill your RacH2O source once the water is completely gone and then add more RacH2O. If you are using hard plastic barrels as your water tanks, the big bucks will let you know when to refill them, as they may tip them over when empty!
Why does RacH2O not contain salt?
RacH2O does not contain salt for a couple of reasons. Other deer mineral supplements contain a very high concentration of salt in order to attract deer to ingest their product. Increased salt intake directly leads to calcium wasting in the urine, dehydration and many other problems. RacH2O contains potassium which helps balance the high salt intake of other deer minerals and assists with calcium reabsorption. Deer obtain an adequate amount of sodium (salt) through their diet.
What time of year can RacH2O be used?
Whenever deer are drinking at the water holes, RacH2O should be used. This may be at any time of the year depending on your region. In the upper Midwest maximum water consumption is from September through November and especially during the rut. This helps resolve any calcium deficiency after antler development and also assists in keeping body weight and energy at peak levels during the rut.
How long does the RacH2O last?
We suggest adding RacH2O to your water holes when you know deer are drinking from them. Deer will not be as active at RacH2O water holes during lush season. Over time, RacH2O will start to settle and rise to the top of the water. This has been accounted for already in the directions, so there is no need to add more RacH2O to compensate. After a week of RacH2O added to a water tank, the amount settled to the bottom was less than 5% of the initial added RacH2O. In other words, 95% of the RacH2O stayed suspended in the water after 1 week of sitting.
Is RacH2O safe for other wildlife?
RacH2O is safe for all wildlife.
Can this be used in any state?
We recommend checking with your state and local laws before using this product. RacH2O does NOT contain an attractant and is NOT considered bait!
How is RacH2O associated with Skyline Premium Hunting Blinds and what separates them from the competition?
Skyline Premium Hunting Blinds is also a family developed product. The blinds are customizable and are encapsulated with insulation for a scent free hunt. They offer 26 square feet of space and 7 feet of clearance. They come equipped with a 32 inch full size steel insulated door, 4 dual sliding insulated windows (that can be positioned where the hunter needs them to be), and comes with a unique paint design to blend into your stand location. I encourage you to check out for further details or click on the logo below!